I had a fantastic weekend away at Burrell Education HQ running through some great training techniques to assist all my clients. I'm back full of ideas and have a few day time spaces available. If you're not sure, have a look...
**Repost Holistic Core Restore(R)**
"WHY Holistic Core Restore(R) Coachs and all of the programmes are 'GOLD STANDARD'..

1. No Woman Works Alone! You are 'Coached'....Pelvic Health is COMPLICATED....giving you access to a membership site and leaving you to it is just nonsense, women need support, women need feedback, women need to be heard. THIS IS WHAT THIS PROGRAMME IS ABOUT. 2. You have 'Guided Video Homework' - Every woman taking 'Everywoman' and some of the other programmes has the pleasure of being Coached by Jenny Burrell the programme creator AS WELL AS THEIR IN-PERSON COACH!! Do you know what that means? Women actually 'do their homework' - homework done = RESULTS! #wegetresults 3. Coaches hail from many backgrounds, some are Physiotherapists, Fitness, Soft Tissue Therapists, Pilates and Yoga specialists and we even have a Midwife Coach! 4. Everyday is a school day, every Coach has access to not only Jenny Burrell the Programme Creator but to our Clinical Advisor, Global Women's Health Specialist Michelle Lyons....when your screening form comes through and your Coach has a query....guess what? We see that screen and we help your Coach work out what the 'next best move' for you"